Lusting for Lucite

Why do I love lucite…


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A mix of styles by Charles Faudree with a lucite table.


It is non committal . I am all about the material that just melts in with the things around it. Lucite is easy to be with.

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Lucite perfection against an antique desk via Elle Decor.

It is visually weightless. Sometimes your eye needs a break when reading a room. Lucite gives you a “visual rest” while taking in other important objects.

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The beauty of transparency. San Francisco Designer Shophouse by Phillip Silver.

It’s transparency allows you to see things behind or underneath. A great concept for the gorgeous wallcovering or antique oushak with to die for coloration.

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Graceful beauty by David Flint Wood via Architectural Digest.

Lucite is a modern classic. It is like a great leopard print to me, every room needs some.

Mixing you,
