Gardening at Night

It is that time again. My yard needs a facelift and it is time to get busy and start my twice a year overhaul. I find gardening so therapeutic. My mother was quoted in a magazine saying her plants were better than therapy and didn’t repeat anything she told them. I come from a line of colorful creatives maternally. My mother is an award winning gardener and finds  joy in her gardens all year. She is seriously out there 365 days a year and cannot imagine life without what she has created since I was a child. I am a novice compared to her. Growing up walking through gardens full of hidden treasures leaves me with a sense of  duty to create the same for my own family. The good thing is that I love it!



Loose yet structured, that is my mother’s style.



The sound of a fountain feels like home to me and is so welcoming to guests! Garden rule one from my mother.



Container gardens are so fun to create, and fast!


Time to design my containers and plan the color scheme for certain areas. I typically go all white because my mother always told me white shows up best at night. I crave color too so I have a special garden that I let myself go wild in. I like to mix formal English bones with the subtropical plants and loose mood I was raised to love by my mother who is an artist as well. I don’t think there is a wrong or right, it is like interior design, you just know when it all looks stunning together.



Show me your true colors….



Can I come hang out with you all today?



Let it blossom let it GROW.


I do have a fabulous landscape architect who I did ring today.  He knows how much I love my gardens and what I am willing to do , in many ways, to keep things nice and tight.  This spring I think I may need another brain on board. It is so helpful to have a plan and work towards each goal, like an interior. I have worked with many of my clients for close to 20 years now. Creating a world that is special to you and your family is what produces memories and duties like the ones my mother created for me. Should I love my mother for this curse or scorn her for all of the hoops she gave me to jump through? I think LOVE her. She is the one who keeps me gardening at night. Time to start making my lists!


Charleston gardens Summer 2009 051

Garden fun, love little visual treats that slowly catch your eye. Charleston Garden 1

Welcome home.






Mixing you,



